Following woodland trails can lead you into all kinds of magical places.
It is a good idea to take a little notepad and pen so you can write down all the amazing things you might see.
The Witchy Woods is full of little trails – some of them lead somewhere and some lead right back to where they started.
If you can, you should try walking in your own local woodlands.
When you do you’ll soon learn that following woodland trails can be fun.
You never know where a trail might lead.
The local woodlands here in Ballyyahoo are called the Witchy Woods.
The Witchy Woods is packed with all sorts of creatures, trees and rocks.
There are rocks are all over the Witchy Woods because the Wild Atlantic Way in Ireland is a very rocky place.
Some of these rocks are covered in moss.
Moss likes to grow in a damp atmosphere where there is not much light.
Woodlands, like the ones in Ballyyahoo, have a great number of trees which grow spaced quite close together.
The closeness of the trees means that not a lot of sunlight can get in.
This makes The Witchy Woods a little bit dark but it also makes it a great place to see moss and other forms of shade loving plants and creatures.
The moss on these rocks is quite hairy and if you touch it you will find it very soft.
It’s softness was probably why years ago it was used for bedding.
Moss was also used as a kind of insulation to keep primitive houses warm.
It is also said that the ancient warriors in the Battle of Clontarf used moss to pack their wounds.
Nowadays people are more likely to use it for decoration or to pack around plants.
To see more of the Witchy Woods click here.
A Wickedly Funny Story from Ballyyahoo
Gerry discovers a magic stone and learns that there’s a villain on the way.
Something bad’s going to happen in Ballyyahoo and only Gerry can save them.

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