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Donkey of Brown

brown donkey standing at wall in Ballyvaughan IrelandDonkeys are beautiful and friendly creatures and the ones that live in Ballyyahoo are the friendliest of the lot.

The donkey in this picture is standing by the wall watching out for passersby to say hello.

He grazes in a field near a popular walking place so is quite used to people coming along.

When he notices people passing he always makes his way over to the wall and nods his head or makes a few sounds to make sure people stop and take notice of him.

Who could resist him?

To meet more of our lovely Ballyyahoo donkeys click here.


Donkey of Brown is a beautiful poem written by Patricia Higgins. Unfortunately, I don’t know much about the poet but judging by the words in the poem she must have loved donkeys.

Donkey of brown please let me know 

Why is it that you go so slow?

He turned round gently and to me said

I have some sense in my little brown head.


By hurrying so as you go by

You miss the beauty in earth and sky.

So I took his advice and looked around,

And I saw diamonds in dew drops on the ground.

Daises that dance in the sun’s golden ray,

Things I missed as I hurried each day.

Gold in the buttercups, clouds in the blue,

What the donkey had said was perfectly true.

Everyone in Ballyyahoo loves donkeys and the Ballyyahoo donkeys are always well cared for.

Sadly that is not true of all Ireland.

Some donkeys are neglected and abused.

Fortunately, the Sai Sanctuary was set up to care for neglected donkeys and currently looks after donkeys who otherwise would have been abandoned to a very sad fate.

Many donkeys have found themselves at home in this beautiful sanctuary near the Carrowkeel Megalithic Site at Castlebaldwin, Co.Sligo, Ireland.

The Sai Sanctuary runs a donkey sponsoring scheme and by sponsoring a donkey you can help the sanctuary to continue to provide a home and care for these beautiful creatures.


donkey and foal illustrating a page with the poem - donkey of brown




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