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Baby Kittens Arrive in Ballyyahoo – Episode 1

book cover of Maggie Many Cats illustrating a story about baby kittens


Episode One

Baby kittens are cute – everybody knows that.

But sadly, not everybody cares for them.

Ballyyahoo’s Maggie Many Cats is a woman who does.

A few weeks ago, when she was out looking for hazelnuts and blackberries in the Witchy Woods she found some baby kittens.

The poor little things were hiding among some ferns.

If one of them hadn’t squealed with hunger at the exact moment Maggie went by, she would never have known they were there.

The poor kittens would have starved to death.


Maggie knew immediately where those kittens had come from and she shook her fist in the direction of Ballyuseless.

‘Some stupid eejit of a gobdaw from Ballyyuseless probably didn’t want to be bothered feeding and looking after the poor little things,’ she shouted, even though there was nobody around to listen.

Stupid people from Ballyuseless were the curse of Maggie’s life.

They were always doing stupid things like getting cats for Christmas, then throwing them out in January when they got bored with them.

kittens on a blanket illustrating a story about baby kittens

They don’t care that baby kittens and cats must be fed and looked after very carefully.

And they don’t care that baby kittens and cats must be brought to the vet for check-ups and vaccinated against disease.


Cats and kittens must be neutered, or else they can produce litter after litter of even more baby kittens that nobody wants to take care of.

Luckily for those kittens, Maggie had her big cat bag on her shoulder. She always kept a little tin of kitten food in that bag.

So, she opened the tin and scraped a little bit of the food out on to a kitten-sized saucer she just happened to also have in her cat bag.

Then she lay her cat bag on the ground, opened it and placed the saucer of kitten food inside it.

She left it there and hid behind a tree.

Kitten in a bag illustrating a story about baby kittensSoon, the biggest of the three baby kittens came wandering over through the grass to see what was going on.

Smelling the treats he wandered up to the bag and peered inside.

Soon, he was right inside the bag and the poor, starving baby kitten began to eat.

The two other kittens didn’t hesitate when they saw their brother eating and so they too bounded across and climbed inside the bag to join in the feast.

Once Maggie was sure the kittens were safe and secure in the bag she pounced.

She closed the bag firmly to make sure they couldn’t escape.

Maggie knew the little kittens would be scared inside the bag, but she also knew that they’d stop being scared once she brought them home.

Maggie couldn’t wait to introduce the little kittens to her lovely warm home, filled with good food, warmth and of course lots of other happy cats.

And of course, Maggie was right. Just a few short weeks later, the little-lost kittens were as happy as kittens could be.

Or, so it seemed. Maggie couldn’t be sure.

Just because the kittens looked healthy didn’t mean they really were.

She would have to take them to the vet to find out. She hoped and prayed the kittens would be okay.

CLICK HERE TO READ EPISODE 2 – Find out what happened to Maggie’s baby kittens.

P.S. I hope you are enjoying these free kitten stories. Ballyyahoo aims to encourage children to love animals and nature.  All the stories and information here are free – if you would like to support our work and enjoy another fun read click below and buy Maggie Many Cats and the cat that Flew in the window.

 Maggie Many Cats and the cat that flew in the window.

A magical fantasy cat story.

book cover of Maggie Many Cats illustrating a story about baby kittens

Greystones Kitty Hostel is based in County Wicklow in Ireland. It is a charity which helps to relieve the distress suffered by abandoned and feral cats by providing a T.N.R, (Trap. Neuter. Return) rescue service.



Each book you buy contributes towards providing this entirely voluntary kitten rescue service.


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